What we stand for


To bring to our clients a standards and and quality of the product service.


To provide quality service in a standard ways that will increase our market shares in the service areas.

Core Values

Honesty  # Customers # satisfaction# Innovation # Team work Creativity #Timely solution.


The Company offers any kind of service in many different fields of Construction , general supplies , transportation services for its customers.

Our Scope


FOR TRADING & DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD as a global supporter of proper health care, we have associated our health care supplies with prominent quality medical companies around the globe and for we now bring these Medicare items to your work station door step. We supply drugs and medicines ,hospitals equipment legally accepted for import by the governments of the particular Countries we work in and this is to say South Sudan, Uganda, Kenya

Modern Agriculture Supplies

We provide Specialized agricultural inputs like seeds, pesticides,etc.to our rural community but also offering to them modern skills of farming. we have modern Agric machines in the type and spares parts

Roads and Bridges Construction

we go beyond from just constructing roads , but also add up modern technology castigated by our professional engineers in addition to our commitment of making sure all regions are accessible throughout South Sudan .


kafia kengi for Trading and Investment continues to invest in its fleet to ensure that we have the most efficient and reliable vehicles that delivers in time. Still court no small think death so anRead more…

What we do


kafia kengi for Trading and Investment continues to invest in its fleet to ensure that we have the most efficient and reliable vehicles that delivers in time. Still court no small think death so an Read more…

Modern Agriculture Supplies

We provide Specialized agricultural inputs like seeds, pesticides,etc.to our rural community but also offering to them modern skills of farming. we have modern Agric machines in the type and spares parts

Get in Touch

Find us at the office

Juba - South Sudan

Give us a ring

+211 912 256 667  or  +211 926 632 663

Contact Us